Holy Cross Cemetery
The Holy Cross Cemetery has a rich history dating back to 1896 when the land was donated by William Ryan specifically to serve as a cemetery. The donated ground included the burial site of William’s young son, Michael. Much of the information and story of the Holy Cross Cemetery can be found here.
In October 2007 the Holy Cross Cemetery Committee was established. The committee represents both St. Mary-Holy Cross Parish members, and non-members who reside in Washington Township. Most of the first two years were spent reviewing and researching the responsibilities and obligations of a cemetery in the eyes of the State of Iowa, the community and the Des Moines Diocese. This guidance was critical to the development and establishment of official processes for plot location, plot sales and documentation, cemetery maintenance and perpetual care, fiscal management, and all cemetery rules. The policies and forms included here are results of many hours work by a dedicated committee, committed to assuring the Holy Cross Cemetery will continue be a beautiful and protected resting place for loved ones in the middle of a rich prairie. Please feel free to contact any committee members with questions and or requests to purchase plots.
Holy Cross Cemetery News
During the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Masses of Memorial Day weekend, the second collection will be in behalf of the Holy Cross Cemetery. The funds will be used for the maintenance of the grounds tile, mowing, spraying, and driveway. Annual costs average approximately $4,000. Thank you for your generous contribution. Memorial Day Mass will begin at 10:00a.m. Thank you for your support to assure Holy Cross Cemetery remains a beautiful resting place.
Rules for grave decoration:
All flowers and decorations are to be removed by April 1 and November 1.
Place flowers and decorations as close to the headstone as possible.
Planting is not allowed in the Cemetery – this includes trees, shrubs, and bushes.
Glass and metal containers are not to be left at grave sites or in the cemetery.
Cemetery Committee
Laurie Phelan (Chair)
Pat Bishop
Lowell Crouse
John Freeman
Tracy Irwin
Stacey Rooney
Tom Rooney
Lynn Schreurs
Larry Shaw